DVD2022 unveils an ambitious future for the UK land forces

by Mark Barrett

The Defence Vehicle Dynamics (DVD) 2022 event held at the Millbrook Proving Ground from 21 to 22 September certainly proved the commitment of the British Army to bolster its land equipment capabilities over the coming years. The much-anticipated event brought together industry, project teams and the wider land community with a specific focus on the operational requirements of the UK’s Army.

What were some of the key impressions and takeaways from this event?

Small and impactful

DVD2022 was a relatively small industry event but highly impactful in terms of the number of attendees and the quality of engagements that took place. Exhibitors were showcasing demos of the latest technology for land platforms and defence systems, with both halls maintaining a constant buzz of conversation and strong footfall all day – something you don’t often see at a show of this size!

mmWave technology for the military comes of age

The location of Millbrook Proving Ground has been an exciting one for Blu Wireless.

It is where our IEEE 5G mmWave-based systems have been proven by being interfaced with the networking systems of land vehicles. This set up was then tested in a variety of simulated battlefield scenarios. Even under difficult conditions, tests showed that the system was able to maintain a reliable, stealthy and secure communications network.

We are confident that such networks that will create a tactical advantage for our land forces in the future.

The importance of bringing technology to life

Continuing the theme of demonstrations, Blu Wireless showcased its immersive Augmented Reality (AR)-enabled experience which demonstrated communications coverage via mesh networking between tactical vehicles. This was certainly the highlight of our exhibition stand, receiving really positive feedback from the attendees who could envisage a number of battlefield scenarios with the ability to ‘click into’ different areas of the demo and immerse themselves into the way our technology works.

We hope to be able to take this AR experience to many more live events to bring to life how mmWave technology can be utilised to deliver high-performing and stealthy communications.

Significant investment in modernisation

The main theme of this year’s event was ‘Mobilise and Modernise – A Decade of Delivery’, with high-profile speakers unveiling some of the key initiatives designed to modernise the British Army through the delivery of major equipment programmes.

Lieutenant General Sharon Nesmith, Deputy Chief of General Staff,  announced that the British Army will invest £15 million during the next three years in the Modular Integrated Protection System (MIPS) for UK land forces.

Alec Shelbrooke, Minister of State for the Ministry of Defence, added that this funding marks an exciting opportunity for industry to work with the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory to make our vehicles stronger and more resilient.

All positive signs of investment and a focus on equipping the UK’s armed forces with the capabilities they need to meet modern mission requirements.

All in all we thoroughly enjoyed a highly successful DVD 2022 and it was great to be back amongst industry peers discussing the ‘what’s next’ in land operations and capabilities.

Find out more about our innovative mmWave technologies for land applications here.